
Shopping with a Purpose to Give

With a heart for people who need just a little help, Love is Global was born. The impetus came on the day that we learned of the plight of the Syrian refugees and their recent admission to Germany. Seeing their faces and hearing their stories, we were moved to act. We founded the 501(c)3 nonprofit charity, Love is Global, and sought ways by which to raise money to help those who are less fortunate.

Successful in encouraging family and friends to donate to our passion, we considered other ways by which we might continually raise funds in a self-sustaining way. Meanwhile, traveling with family and friends, we saw great need in many places: schooling for Cambodians, orphan care in China, libraries in Myanmar, and here at home, clearing waterways to encourage the well-being of sea life. Through those exposures, the idea of a store came to be, one sustained through the efforts of the partnership between Erin and her mom Sheri.

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